
7 Easy Tips to Hook Potential New Donors

Laughlin Ashe
Written by :

Laughlin Ashe

Categories: Fundraising
There are 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States—each with a worthy cause—and all of them need donations. Why should a donor pick your nonprofit out of the crowd?

People make snap judgements in a matter of seconds. If you don’t capture their attention immediately, they will delete your email or walk past your advertisement. You focus so much on your content, but unless you draw someone in, they won’t ever see what you have worked so hard on.

Seven Easy Marketing Tips On How to Hook Potential New Donors:
  • Brevity: Long paragraphs are skimmed or even overlooked. You should have a subject line or slogan that is ten words or fewer so that someone can understand your organization and advertisement with just a glance.
  • Buzzwords: New. Money. Profit. Top 10. Efficiency. Value. Opportunity. Expert. Tips. Life-changing. Technology. Free. Time. Important. Easy. Now. Results. Deadline. Exciting. You. These words jump off the page, they imply your authority on the subject, and, most importantly, they entice the reader.
  • Visuals: Before even reading, people will notice a powerful visual. It should be prominent, creative, appealing to the eye, and intriguing. Show something that can’t be described in your written content.
  • Data: A large figure can be used to summarize your content in a matter of seconds. Using one or two basic and easy to comprehend numbers can be informative without being inordinate. Showing the total amount of donations can contextualize the fundraising goal for the potential donor.
  • Interactive: If using online resources, having something for a viewer to interact with can be much more alluring than solely text. Having a quick poll in an email gives people something to do rather than just read. Posting on social media allows you to interact with many people all at once. Showing a leaderboard of top fundraisers at your event can spark competition.
  • Emotions: With words, visuals, or numbers, if you can hook someone’s emotions, you create a bond between them and your organization. When it comes to donating, emotions can often outweigh logic.
  • Cliff Hanger: Create wonder and make them want more. Using a question in the subject line of an email will make people want to open it to view the answer. A link to an exciting video or a sign up to receive a special guide can tempt people to delve further into your nonprofit.

Once you hook a potential donor, you next have to convince them to donate.

Keep reading for Turning Potential Donors into Actual Donors.